Sunday, February 28, 2010

I am a rock star

This is a quote stolen from my most favorite blog...(yes the same one that I stole the last quote from! So sue me I don't get out much and I find her blog fascinating and inspiring and so I go there at night when I should go to bed...but I go there refuel to recharge to get lost in someone's life...)

" The power of the mind.

It's amazing what control we really do have over our thoughts and what tactics we use to control it. Like, seriously, envisioning myself as a rock star really makes me think I am one! And to tell myself everyday that I am going to rock this day out. Even when I want to cry and stay in bed. Usually the more down and out I am the more I rock it out. It's all the crap in life....just rock it out."

As I gaze out at the week ahead of me (and quite possibly the next two weeks) they appear from here, tonight, to be as daunting as the previous week. I will admit my first reaction was to start to succumb to the overwhelming stress that appears to want to hang around my home/work for awhile. Tomorrow when I wake up (yes it will be 5 am, yes I will be driving to Columbus to go to Omaha...but by God I am going to do it in ROCK STAR fashion!)

In college my friends and I had a catch phrase "the power of positive thinking" When times were getting stressed or someone was feeling down or overwhelmed all it took was for one person to bring up "the power of positive thinking," which would in just a short time bring everyone to laughter because of course the conversation didn't stop there, we would go on and on making up silly one liners about how "positive" the situation really was!

My attempt at the power of postive thinking for this week:
Who wouldn't want to watch the sun come up. Am I right?!
Todd and Tyler. HILLARIOUS in the morning! Really I am lucky to get to listen to them for hours tomorrow morning!
I'm packing snacks. Oh yeah baby chocolate and starburst jelly beans maybe even a capachino by 7am. Who wouldn't want to be me really?
People want to be me. I am a rock star!
By going to Columbus, I get to ride with Lisa. Is there anything left to say after that! huh! I don't think so! I am a little rusty here... Megan? Are you reading this? Megan?! Help?!?!

So I am a rock star, I AM a rock star, I am a ROCK star.... and Tomorrow I am gonna rock it out like no other!


Paige said...

:) You go girl!

Meg said...

Obviously I'm reading this a little late, but now I'm chanting, "the power of positive thinking" over and over again. Sometimes now when I'm feeling like things are bad, I find myself saying it too. See, I did learn something in college!