Sunday, July 15, 2018

Good old days.

Never thought we'd get old, maybe we're still young

Maybe we always look back and think it was better than it was

Maybe these are the moments
Maybe I've been missing what it's about
Been scared of the future, thinking about the past
While missing out on now
We've come so far, I guess I'm proud
And I ain't worried about the wrinkles around my smile
I've got some scars, I've been around
I've felt some pain, I've seen some things, but I'm here now
Those good old days
I wish somebody would have told me babe

Some day, these will be the good old days

All the love you won't forget
And all these reckless nights you won't regret
Someday soon, your whole life's gonna change
You'll miss the magic of these good old days

I have had a week off and it's over. 

I sit here Sunday night stalling Monday. 

It is safe to say we are well into our summer bucket list! 
It's never too late to make your own!

Do you ever wonder what your kids will remember?

What song...

what smell....

what thought....

what sight ...

......will take them back to their carefree childhood and summer?

Will it be a street dance? 
Will those even still exist?
Will it be the sound of water splashing?
The smell of chlorine?

The sight of a camper driving down the highway?

What stories will they remember and starting telling to their kids some day?
...something about the good old days

What pieces will shape them into who they become?

My goal for the week was to be present
to see
to watch all the "mom watch me" moments as possible. 

because lets be honest in the chaos I try to call our every day life being present is a challenge for me. 

What I wouldn't give for another week.... 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

I think I'll take a moment celebrate my age

I think I'll take a moment celebrate my age
End of an era and the turning of a page
Now it's time to focus on where I go from here
Lord have mercy on my next thirty years
~Tim McGraw My Next Thirty Years

This is how I feel about Cohen's birthday. Click Here

but this one is pretty spot on too! Click Here

This. Now this is true stuff. There were no birthday treats to make for school this year. *kind of sad click here

Cohen and I share a birthday if you haven't figured that out yet. 

As of today, I have a teenager. 

..and I turned 40

Here are some funny messages I got today:
*You better start living it up because in 20 years your going to be 60.
*Shit just got real.
*I'm almost 40 but I still feel 20, until I hang out with some 20 year olds. Then I'm like nope, never mind, I'm 40. 

I got some well wishes.
*Happy Birthday Lady! Enjoy the day!

I got a couple intriguing questions such as:
*What would you say your greatest accomplishment has been this far?
*What do you want to accomplish in the next 10?

Well if that doesn't make your mind spin a little! 

I am going to spend some time thinking about those last 2 questions. 
Have you asked yourself those questions?
Wouldn't it be interesting if we all stopped once and awhile to reflect on what we have done and what we want to do! 

We all know I love a bucket I feel a new one coming! 
It's already brewing. 
Like a real vacation. 
Not a trip. 
A vacation. 
*where you get to lay around and do a lot of nothing and whatever you want mixed in
Not just tangible things, but I've been reading a book called Daring Greatly and I think I'm finding my way toward a few personal goals.

40 years.
Started here


Preschool: Sliding off the road in Sara's mom's car. 
That's what I remember!

*I loved School. 
I do remember in kindergarten, Cindy pulling me aside and telling me I couldn't call her Aunt Cindy at school. Andy puking on his math test got us a long recess. I would miss the buss home on purpose so I could stay and play with Tiffany and Billie Jo (shh don't tell mom). The town kids were so lucky. 

Punk rock day for homecoming. Credit to my mom how'd she ever get my hair to do that!

 Ran into this lil fella. Nice hat dad. 
Who did 40 better? lol!

High School:
*I had the best class ever! (that is the whole class. no joke)

These girls pretty much sum up my whole childhood.

Megan, Jen, Sam, our little burrito. The apartment dance. The power of positive thinking. The bonus board. The damn RA.  Payless shoes. Truly the good 'ole days!

Young college love

*maybe did some learning while I was there too.

insert the real world

The first "real" job. 
My first office with a name plate.  
It used to be a closet and actually had a pipe sticking out of the wall. True story.
The learning curve! Wow.

Moving to Sidney to my 2nd real job. I learned so much from that team.
*My last day at Beverly. (and the skirt I got written up for wearing-long story)


Trusting your new husband to pull you tubing.
For the last time.

Moving back to Columbus
Buying  a House.
Surprising Dad at the National Senior Olympics!

A new job that I didn't understand but took anyways and I never could have imagined how much it would  impact who I am as a person and who I am as a parent.



Probably one of the worlds greatest family photos

Now a teenager.

True. Real. Friends. 
That's so lucky!
To find these people...

40 years got me where I am today....
..and that's good.
Pretty darn good.

I need input.

If you want to weigh in on mine. I'll listen!
or tell me yours! I'll listen and learn! 
*What would you say your greatest accomplishment has been this far?
*What do you want to accomplish in the next 10?

Monday, January 22, 2018

be still my soul

I am not sure about anyone else but we needed a snow day...

Drift by our garage
so thank you mother nature!
Well done!
We all camped out in the basement living room last night....
...because I just needed them close. 

A favorite quote kept coming to mind today.....

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are.

Let me learn from you,
love you, 
bless you before you depart. 

Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. 

Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so.

One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, 

more than all the world, your return.                               *Mary Jean Irion