Saturday, January 21, 2012

pink and purple princess day

Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year:  The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again. 
~Menachem Mendel Schneerson

I like birthdays.

I like the hoop-la

The fanfare.

There is something about birthdays though that I didn't fully appreciate until after having children. 
It's more than just the magic.

It is so easy for days,
sometimes, shamefully, months to go by where I seem to hang on for dear life.
Not sure whose in the driver's seat as time whizzes by.

It is easy to miss a lot.


In fact this post from another blog is not far from the truth sometimes!



Things like birthdays make us stop.

I love that.

I read my post from Kadence's birthday last year and it is so true.

In fact it was so true,
so from my heart,
that I can't compete to write something better this year.
My wish for her then continues to be my dream for her now.

All day I just looked at her in amazement. 

When I stop to consider how much it takes for a healthy baby just to be born....
and then factor in how much growth and change that takes place in just four short years. 

Pure Wonder and Awe.
In Awe of who she is,
who she is becoming
and the happiness that oozes from her every day,

and full of wonder about the woman she will grow up to be.

Leaves me speechless. 

Life is full of uncertainty,
but there is one thing my kids can be certain of...
My love.

so I repost the the end of her "dare to dream" birthday post last year....

As she blows out her candles Saturday she will be wishing for something pink I am sure....
but I will be wishing for a way ~ for her~ a girl in the world today
~full of messages of not good enough, pressures, standards, and hurt~
to bottle up those characteristics that define her today so she can rise above "the world"
and continue to believe inside that she is "good enough."

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955

I brought you into this world and will do my best to help you "fight" the good "fight" my dear.
It is a big task in front of us...finding the way in this world
but I promise I will strive to provide you with the roots you need today
so that you find your wings and have the courage to dare to do great things.
Yes, there is a lot of hurt in the world today,
but I can't help believe with every fiber of my being
that it is still a wonderful place
and life is full of happiness,
sometimes you just have to be willing to see it first.
Happy 3rd Birthday!   Happy 4th Birthday pretty girl!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Happy Birhtday Kadence!!! Proud to be your Aunt and I love you!!!!