Monday, August 9, 2010

Wash away

"Why is it that every time I'm with you, makes me believe in magic?”~unknown

Something magic happens on weekends.
 It's like for a moment I can stop the craziness of day to day life and live in the moment.
There is enough stress and worry about the future during the week,
that weekends this summer have become my escape. 
I had hoped to have more impromptu get togethers with friends this summer

and well I believe a last minute trip to the horse races fits that bill!
$1 bets, $1 beers, $1 hot dogs

With some coaching, I mastered the lingo and placed my very own bet!

and WON!

But in the end, its not really about the money.
It never is.
It is about laughter and friendships.
It's about remembering who we are as moms, wives, women, and great!
It's about letting go of the day to day worries
and being free to breath. Lighter.
and when it is all said and done.
We go home.
Tired. Exhausted.
but Lighter.
Better because of it.
Oh yes there are lots of wealthy people out there,
while we struggle to make ends meet,
but I am blessed with a wealth of good friends,
and I would bet everything I have that they make me
a very wealthy person indeed!

If that was not impromptu enough how about a last minute decision to hit the lake!
Soak it in little ones.
This IS summer.

Imagination and dreams run wild between these two little boys.
These are the moments I could drink in forever.
These are the moments that I want him to see
when he closes his eyes as a grown man and remembers summer.

Take every chance to relax,
to hope, to heal,
to dream, to play,
to give,  to receive.
-author unknown

and we loved.
Oh how we mama's love

yes we mom's can still have a rockin' good time
but we always come back.
come back for some of this
this magic summer weekend love.

"That's the thing with magic.
You've got to know it's still here,
 all around us,
or it just stays invisible for you.”
~Charles de Lint


The Preister's said...

I think we can do more for our loved ones when we get a chance to take a break for a while! Glad to see you had such a good time!!

Paige said...

Dang! Your blog is so good, Jen... Another good one! You're starting to rival Kelle. :)