Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Something I realized recently...

I miss watching television. 

I don't know the last time I followed a tv series. I can't remember. 

I don't have anywhere to put it. 

Is that weird, to miss tv?  
     *I mean some people like strive and set goals to watch less tv because it really isn't that great for 
       you but that was never a goal for me...it just happened slowly and before I knew it, poof gone. 

Oh well....just something I noticed. I won't over think it. It is tv by all means. 

So a friend and I were talking about stress and stress management and came up with the idea of trying something new and I'm kind of liking it so let's chat a moment shall we :

We all have stress. Good, bad, inevitable right?
Research does show a few things help such as journaling and the whole method of getting thoughts out of your head and onto paper. Also we know the brain is visual. 
Our theory:
What would happen if you made a list of the things you stress about on a regular basis?  
Then go back to the list and assess: 
There are some things that we each stress about that are good..things we should focus on, think about, work on....go through, experience. We have the potential to impact these things. Highlight those things in green.
There are those things we stress about but really aren't of highest priority or perhaps pertinent currently so maybe highlight those yellow
AND then there are those things we stress about and lose sleep(lets be serious I sleep like a rock. I'm tired) over that regardless of what we do, say, ponder, focus on, we can't control.  Those babies are red. Highlight those bad boys red. 

Try it.
Now, the moment my mind goes to a red one, I see it in my mind. Red. Instantly I'm like: That's a red stress. I can't change it. Don't waste my time and energy on  a red. 
I was. 
I was spending a lot of time on reds when in reality I could have been putting that same amount of time on greens and getting somewhere. 

Just a random tid bit. Two people's research to validate it. That makes it valid. 
It's Legit people. 
Evidenced Based Practice right there. 

Since I'm in random land right now.
You should try it. 
Don't know where to go or how to start?
No Problem...try Be you Yoga.
Tell her Jen said you want:Candlelight slow flow, beginner's style, stress reduction, life is good, find some peace and grounding again
She'll hook you up. Trust me. 

Image result for random reflection

The randomness is avoiding the heart of the issue right now. 
Avoidance is a great asset right? 

A series of recent interactions with a variety of people have me pondering....a lot. 

Have you ever taken the time to look at how you're perceived?

That doesn't mean you have to change who you are to meet another's perception or expectation but if inevitability you want to grow as a person you have to be vulnerable enough to see who you really are. 

I making a commitment to really being open to seeing that.

"Vulnerability is at the core, the heart, the center, of meaningful human experiences/"~Brene Brown

This is what happens when I don't fall asleep putting Benson to bed....Randomness

Damn I should be watching T.V. 

Ugh What the heck.

Also a random tid bit

I've been follow Brene Brown for a little over a year now and find her literature fascinating.  I pondered taking one of her courses last year: Living Brave, but to be totally honest I was intimidated and didn't sign up AND it cost quit a bit so that didn't help....

But I am signed up and going to start this:


The gifts of imperfect parenting. Watch the video in the link. 

I believe a few friends were brave enough to want to sign up to because as she says...we were never meant to do this alone. (shoot me a message if you sign up!!)
Please join me! I am going to make a closed FB group so we can have some random chats about the lessons! Wanna join? Do it with me!

I just signed up and used the promo code FBTRIBE and got a 20% discount making it $48.

Hey that's worth it right there.


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