Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day...Really?!

There’s just something about  May Day....
which we celebrated a day early with the predicted freezing temps and snow!
Nothing a little label slapped on the wrapping couldn't explain:
"Happy May Day!
We are celebrating a day early as the weather will have
us screaming MAY DAY tomorrow!"

Thanks to my sister Linda, we resurrected May Day about 5 years ago at our house.
I recall our first go around….Cohen more of a toddler than a boy…Kadence in the stroller. We were far from stealthy to say the least as there are only so many places to hide with a stroller and a toddler whose legs only run so fast!


Oh how times have changed!

We have stealth now.
Benson will be trained.
Game on.
Why love May Day?
The lack of hype for one!
Less hype brings less expectations which just opens the door for pure simple fun!


Its one opportunity to give to others
with no expectation of something in return
and in society today
Those opportunities are rare
Its one opportunity to do for others with no recognition
That’s the premise..leave a treat and don’t get caught…
And in society today those opportunities are even rarer.



Its one opportunity that makes me 100% present.
Again seems those opportunities are rare too...
We love it!
*so much so that when I realized last week that Cohen should have baseball practice on May Day and told him about the predicament...his response: "well we will just have to skip practice"
that's my boy!
....and the weather, SNOW, canceled practice and moved May Day up one day for us here, so no need to ditch out on baseball practice for May day! Whew!
Happy May Day!
*despite the winter weather advisory that is scrolling across the tv right now!



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