Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Reorganization in Process...

It is in me to be the person I want to be.

I know its in there but sometimes it gets hidden, buried, tangled with other parts of me.

I want to be the person that embraces life.

I want to be the person that realizes bad things happen, but that we cannot let those define the next day.

I want to be the person that when my day comes to make the journey from this life, whether that is tomorrow or 70 years from now, there are no regrets, no wish I would have's or could have's.

I realize there will always be things you want to do, things to dream,
but the regrets come from a different place than dreams.

I want to be the person that is always dreaming of new adventures,
yet is perfectly content with the here and now.
(Currently I've been a tired, not so content, slightly cranky version of me)

I have tried more than once to dream my new spring list, but it's like the dream wheel needs a boost.
It's funny really because usually my lists do not involve grand, difficult to plan tasks, but more everyday pleasures and still the cursors sits and blinks at me...mocking me. Stupid cursor.

Last night I came home from work and literally had to ask myself this question to get myself back on task "Did you rush from work because you felt bad about the dishes on the counter or did you rush because you feel bad that you haven't seen your children for but an hour today? Then I ask of you why are you spending your time on the other?"  FOCUS

Maybe I just talked myself through a full circle to realize I am lacking FOCUS currently.

So until I reorganize the pieces I am,
back into proper order,
anyone want to take a stab at starting a spring list for me?

FOCUS PEOPLE! This is important!


Kim said...

I have also lost my FOCUS!!!!! The weather needs to decide what it's going to do and that would help. Going from shorts to jeans and long sleeves is getting old and depressing :(

Jen said...

I agree I do think this weather is not helping matters, it is a bit depressing!