Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Bring on 41

40 hasn't been too bad! 

I mean there was that vertigo thing that was horrifying....
and my thyroid quit...
and I maybe needed a little PT for a little thing in my back...
I'm sure that's all merely coincidental. (insert big eye ball emoji here)

A few important things. 
When I was going to turn 40 I thought I would go somewhere. 
Take a trip. 
No, not a trip. A trip seems like it is one of those things where you are busy taking in all the sights. 
I thought I would take a vacation. 
The kind where you sit around a beach and do a whole lot of nothing.  
Well, I never did. 
That’s kinda how my life typically rolls out. 
I have lots of ideas and few of them really surface as reality.

However, look what my friend/backyard neighbor Wendi gave me for my birthday. 

My very own, shall we say, tropical get away…kind of. 
I mean if one of you has some sand from your sand bags left over I could almost make myself a beach for my 41st
That Wendi always going above and beyond. 
Ask and you shall receive they say.

In case you missed it, it's flooding here. 
Here's the current status of roads in Nebraska
I mean it's almost like a birthday cake full of 41 candles am I right?!
When I got to Columbus today there was a strong chance that I would be "flood-stranded" and here I am, home. Celebrate.

Also when I turned 40 I realized I still had underwear in my drawer from when Kadence was born. (legit) That just seems …sad.  Before 41 came I swore I would up my game and own some quality pairs. (no not skimpy sexy crazy panties lets be real here. 41. 3 kids. Real life. Lets not make this awkward) I recently gave my money to soma and who knew underwear could be so life changing. They actually stay in place. Huh! I tell you what, you cross over 40 and bam eyes wide open. Am I right?

I mean I like bucket lists, so of course, I made a: I'm 40 list. It was Random. I'll spare you the rest. 

Joking aside, I put myself to a bit of a challenge this year and have been trying to lean into this a bit:

It’s been an interesting journey. That’s about all I have to say about that for now.
Think about.
Read it again. 

 Let's go back to today for a minute. 
Apparently I got to work too early. 
(no comment here *cough*
so they streamer-ed me in. 
Yeah that happened. 
I am pretty sure it's because they like me so much and not because they were trying to keep me out or shut me up. 

Sometimes you just gotta bust out of your box a little bit.
Make it happen people
Life is short
who cares if the sun barely rose on your birthday, am I right?!

There are a lot of things I wish I had. I can’t deny that. 
I have some pretty fantastic family and friends and in the end that's what's most valuable. 
I was truly humbled and honored today, by some calls and texts. To be honest, it's nice to hear it sometimes, don't we all need to hear it sometimes? It's a little like finding this rainbow in the middle of the foggy, gloomy, raining, flooding, day.    Bring on Birthdays! 

I think life has always been about being able to find what you want, hiding in what you have.
It’s about understanding who you really are compared to who you want to be…and then challenging yourself to dare to go there.

What I did contribute to March 13th is this guy

14 years today. 
The world is surely a better place with him in it. 
I thought for sure I would grieve the little kid that isn't here anymore but I am enjoying 
having a different level of conversation.  He's far from perfect, but so am I. 

We will be over here just living our best, non-perfect, kinda off kilter, life. 
Stay tuned. 
I feel like the fact that he's 14 and I'm 41, 
we are in store for a great year!